
About Collage Maker

Some history about Collage Maker and why we started an online photo app. We also explain some collage features to help you make super cool Photo Collages.

Collage Maker is an online web app that allows you to create photo collages with minimal effort.

Our aim is to make Collage Maker super easy-to-edit on a mobile device and a desktop machine. There are numerous collage maker apps, but we like the option to edit any device - hence the reason why we created Collage Maker.

You can create photo collages with software like Photoshop. However, we find photo editing software a little clunky and prefer to use fast web apps that sit in the cloud and can be used anywhere you have an internet connection.

No app breaking changes

Native apps sometimes release versions that can break on your device, especially if you haven’t updated your operating system in a while. You can even lose some app features if the developer has archived them. This can be frustrating if you used that featured all the time. Collage Maker is a web app so you don’t need to worry about installing updates as the web app updates itself in the cloud.

Collage Maker Features

  • Free: 100% free to use.
  • Orientation: choose from Square, Landscape & Portrait
  • Spacing: create spacing between photos
  • Border: add a border between your photos
  • Corners: create rounded corners for your photos
  • Layout: choose from 8 different grid layouts
  • Text: add text to your photo collage
  • Background: add a background image or gradient to your photo collage

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